In current development, zakah and waqf attract serious attention from many stakeholders in Indonesia and also in the neighbouring countries as well. Many events have been organized to discuss on how to establish zakah and waqf institution that enable government to improve the welfare of the society. Similar effort has been conducted to enable zakah and waqf system working effectively and efficiently within the Islamic Economic System. From legal and regulatory perspectives, the enactment of zakah and waqf in Indonesia might prove its serious efforts. In Indonesia there are many zakah and waqf institutions accross the country, Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) and Badan Wakaf Indonesia (BWI) are among the examples beside many zakah and waqf institutions initiated by society such as Lembaga Amil Zakat (LAZ). In Indonesia there are many LAZ operated nationwide, such as Rumah Zakat Indonesia, Dompet Dhuafa, Darut Tauhid, etc. We can also find many LAZ institutions operated in local areas. All these establishments put together might provide a very significant contribution in the society’s development. The existence of various zakah and waqf institutions may lead to the importance of developing Islamic Philantropy to support a more sound and healthy economic system.

The 6th SouthEast Asia International Islamic Philantropy Conference, Ummah Excellence through Integrating Islamic Philantropy and Islamic Social Finance into the Mainstream Economy on 24-26 April 2018 in Yogyakarta Indonesia, is therefore a timely event in facilitating the discussion on that subject. This conference, reaching the 6th series, is a very good platform to those actively contribute to the development of Islamic Philantropy in general and zakah waqf in particular. Incorporating these institutions into mainstream economic system may give a constructive and positive effect on the economic development of the society. This 6th conference is organized by Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), through its Department of Economics and Magister of Islamic Economics and Finance (MEK), in cooperation with Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Malaysia and Institut Manajemen Zakat (IMZ). It is also supported by some other institutions, such as Islamic Economic Studies and Thought Centre (ISTC), and Malaysia Doctorate Support Group (MDSG).
The issues addressed in this conference is quite broad under the the scope of Islamic Philantropy and its related areas. This conference managed to attract around 45 papers, 27 from various campuses in Indonesia and 18 from Malaysian and Brunei universities. Not only papers on zakah and waqf but also articles on Islamic Banking Finance and Economics have been sucessfully collected through this scientific event. Hopefully this conference can contribute to the development of Islamic Philantropy for the welfare of the Ummah as it provides ideas, ways and steps for its development.
Located at Eastparc Hotel Yogyakarta, for three days all conference participants will present the results of philanthropic research and Islamic economics. Then, on the last day the conference participants will be invited to “see is believing” to see directly two ZISWAF-based education programs (zakat, infaq, almsgiving, waqf), namely economic empowerment of Imogiri Batik craftsmen assisted by Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta and health empowerment of the Rumah Sehat BAZNAS in Yogyakarta.
A visit to the economic empowerment of Imogiri Batik craftsmen assisted by Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta
A visit to the health empowerment of the Rumah Sehat BAZNAS in Yogyakarta
Main speaker of 6th SEAIIPC 2018:
1. H. Muhammad Fuad Nasar, S.Sos., M.Sc., Director Zakat and Waqf Empowerment, Ministry of Religious Affairs
2. Prof Dr Abd Halim Mohd Noor, CIPSF UiTM Melaka Malaysia
3. Dr. Rahmat Hidayat, Haj Financial Management Agency Indonesia
4. Prof. Bambang Sudibyo, Chairman of The National Board of Zakat, Indonesia, BAZNAS
5. Agus Widarjono, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Economics FE UII
6. Drg. Imam Rulyawan, MARS., President Director of Dompet Dhuafa
7. Iwan Rudiyana, Mandiri Amal Insani Foundation
8. Dr. Irfan Syauqi Beik, Director of Puskas Baznas, CIBEST IPB
In current development, zakah and waqf attract serious attention from many stakeholders in Indonesia and also in the neighbouring countries as well. Many events have been organized to discuss on how to establish zakah and waqf institution that enable government to improve the welfare of the society. Similar effort has been conducted to enable zakah and waqf system working effectively and efficiently within the Islamic Economic System. From legal and regulatory perspectives, the enactment of zakah and waqf in Indonesia might prove its serious efforts. In Indonesia there are many zakah and waqf institutions accross the country, Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) and Badan Wakaf Indonesia (BWI) are among the examples beside many zakah and waqf institutions initiated by society such as Lembaga Amil Zakat (LAZ). In Indonesia there are many LAZ operated nationwide, such as Rumah Zakat Indonesia, Dompet Dhuafa, Darut Tauhid, etc. We can also find many LAZ institutions operated in local areas. All these establishments put together might provide a very significant contribution in the society’s development. The existence of various zakah and waqf institutions may lead to the importance of developing Islamic Philantropy to support a more sound and healthy economic system.

The 6th SouthEast Asia International Islamic Philantropy Conference, Ummah Excellence through Integrating Islamic Philantropy and Islamic Social Finance into the Mainstream Economy on 24-26 April 2018 in Yogyakarta Indonesia, is therefore a timely event in facilitating the discussion on that subject. This conference, reaching the 6th series, is a very good platform to those actively contribute to the development of Islamic Philantropy in general and zakah waqf in particular. Incorporating these institutions into mainstream economic system may give a constructive and positive effect on the economic development of the society. This 6th conference is organized by Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), through its Department of Economics and Magister of Islamic Economics and Finance (MEK), in cooperation with Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Malaysia and Institut Manajemen Zakat (IMZ). It is also supported by some other institutions, such as Islamic Economic Studies and Thought Centre (ISTC), and Malaysia Doctorate Support Group (MDSG).
The issues addressed in this conference is quite broad under the the scope of Islamic Philantropy and its related areas. This conference managed to attract around 45 papers, 27 from various campuses in Indonesia and 18 from Malaysian and Brunei universities. Not only papers on zakah and waqf but also articles on Islamic Banking Finance and Economics have been sucessfully collected through this scientific event. Hopefully this conference can contribute to the development of Islamic Philantropy for the welfare of the Ummah as it provides ideas, ways and steps for its development.
Located at Eastparc Hotel Yogyakarta, for three days all conference participants will present the results of philanthropic research and Islamic economics. Then, on the last day the conference participants will be invited to “see is believing” to see directly two ZISWAF-based education programs (zakat, infaq, almsgiving, waqf), namely economic empowerment of Imogiri Batik craftsmen assisted by Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta and health empowerment of the Rumah Sehat BAZNAS in Yogyakarta.
A visit to the economic empowerment of Imogiri Batik craftsmen assisted by Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta
A visit to the health empowerment of the Rumah Sehat BAZNAS in Yogyakarta
Main speaker of 6th SEAIIPC 2018:
1. H. Muhammad Fuad Nasar, S.Sos., M.Sc., Director Zakat and Waqf Empowerment, Ministry of Religious Affairs
2. Prof Dr Abd Halim Mohd Noor, CIPSF UiTM Melaka Malaysia
3. Dr. Rahmat Hidayat, Haj Financial Management Agency Indonesia
4. Prof. Bambang Sudibyo, Chairman of The National Board of Zakat, Indonesia, BAZNAS
5. Agus Widarjono, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Economics FE UII
6. Drg. Imam Rulyawan, MARS., President Director of Dompet Dhuafa
7. Iwan Rudiyana, Mandiri Amal Insani Foundation
8. Dr. Irfan Syauqi Beik, Director of Puskas Baznas, CIBEST IPB
Perkembangan zakat dan wakaf telah menarik perhatian serius dari banyak pemangku kepentingan baik di Indonesia maupun di kawasan regional Asia Tenggara. Dalam rangka meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat secara lebih baik, berbagai upaya telah dilakukan agar sistem zakat dan wakaf mampu bekerja secara efisien dan efektif dalam sistem perekonomian Islam. Dari perspektif hukum, pemberlakuan regulasi zakat dan wakaf di Indonesia merupakan sebuah ikhtiar yang patut diapresiasi sebagai bagian dari pengarusutamaan kebijakan yang diharapkan menumbuhkan perubahan positif di masyarakat. Indonesia merupakan salah satu contoh negara yang memiliki partisipasi aktif dalam filantropi Islam secara swadaya dan kultural dengan banyaknya Lembaga Amil Zakat (LAZ), lembaga nazhir wakaf, disamping Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) dan Badan Wakaf Indonesia (BWI) yang dikelola oleh negara. Di Indonesia ada banyak LAZ yang dioperasikan secara nasional, seperti Dompet Dhuafa, Darut Tauhid, Inisiatif Zakat Indonesia (IZI), Mandiri Amal Insani Foundation (MAI), dan lain sebagainya. Keberadaan berbagai lembaga zakat dan wakaf dapat mengarah pada pentingnya pengembangkan Filantropi Islam untuk mendukung sistem ekonomi yang lebih adil dan sejahtera.

Konferensi Filantropi Islam Internasional Asia Tenggara ke-6, bertemakan “Keunggulan Umat melalui Pengintegrasikan Filantropi Islam dan Keuangan Sosial Islam dalam Arus Utama Ekonomi ” pada 24-26 April 2018 di Yogyakarta Indonesia, oleh karena itu konferensi ini merupakan momen yang sangat penting dalam memfasilitasi dialektika integrasi filantropi dan keuangan Islam di dunia. “Konferensi ini, mencapai seri ke-6, adalah platform yang sangat baik bagi mereka yang secara aktif berkontribusi pada pengembangan Filantropi Islam pada umumnya dan zakat serta wakaf secara khusus. Memasukan lembaga-lembaga ini ke dalam sistem ekonomi utama dapat memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan pada perkembangan ekonomi masyarakat”, tutur Achmad Thohirin, MA., Ph.D. Direktur MEK Pascasarjana FE UII sekaligus Chairman 6th SEAIIPC 2018. Konferensi ke-6 ini diselenggarakan oleh Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), melalui Program Studi Ilmu Ekonomi dan Magister Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam (MEK), bekerja sama dengan Center of Islamic Philanthropy and Social Finance (CIPSF) Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Malaysia dan Institut Manajemen Zakat (IMZ). Konferensi ini juga didukung oleh beberapa institusi lain seperti Pusat Studi Ekonomi Islam dan Pusat Pemikiran (ISTC), dan Grup Dukungan Doktor Malaysia (MDSG).
Konferensi ini berhasil menarik sekitar 45 gagasan Ilmiah yang beras dari berbagai kampus di Indonesia, Malaysia dan Brunei Darussalam. Tidak hanya mendiskusikan gagasan ilmiah mengenai zakat dan wakaf, konferensi ini juga membahas mengenai perkembangan ekonomi Islam dunia saat ini.
Konferensi ini diharapkan menjadi ruang akademis yang mampu memberikan gagasan terhadap pengembangan dan kemajuan filantropi dan keuangan sosial Islam kedepan.
Bertempat di Hotel Eastparc Yogyakarta, selama tiga hari seluruh peserta konferensi akan memaparkan hasil penelitian filantropi dan ekonomi Islam. Kemudian, pada hari terakhir para peserta konferensi akan diajak untuk ‘seeing is believing’ melihat langsung dua edukasi program berbasis ZISWAF (zakat, infak, sedekah, wakaf) yakni pemberdayaan ekonomi pengrajin Batik Imogiri binaan Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta dan pemberdayaan kesehatan Rumah Sehat BAZNAS Yogyakarta.
Kunjungan ke pemberdayaan ekonomi pengrajin Batik Imogiri binaan Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta
Kunjungan ke pemberdayaan kesehatan Rumah Sehat BAZNAS Yogyakarta
Para pembicara utama dalam konferensi 6th SEAIIPC 2018 ini diantaranya:
1. H. Muhammad Fuad Nasar, S.Sos., M.Sc., Director Zakat and Waqf Empowerment, Ministry of Religious Affairs
2. Prof Dr Abd Halim Mohd Noor, CIPSF UiTM Melaka Malaysia
3. Dr. Rahmat Hidayat, Haj Financial Management Agency Indonesia
4. Prof. Bambang Sudibyo, Chairman of The National Board of Zakat, Indonesia, BAZNAS
5. Agus Widarjono, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Economics FE UII
6. Drg. Imam Rulyawan, MARS., President Director of Dompet Dhuafa
7. Iwan Rudiyana, Mandiri Amal Insani Foundation
8. Dr. Irfan Syauqi Beik, Director of Puskas Baznas, CIBEST IPB
Tags: asia pasifik, call for paper zakat, cipsf, e-proceeding, filantropi, filantropi indonesia, imz, international zakat waqf conference, konferensi zakat, mek uii, SEAIIPC 2018, seaiipc 2018 proceeding, seminar filantropi islam, southeast asia international islamic philanthropy conference, uii, Waqf Conference, Zakat Conference