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Spirit of Southeast Asia Islamic Philanthropy Movement from Yogyakarta

In current development, zakah and waqf attract serious attention from many stakeholders in Indonesia and also in the neighbouring countries as well. Many events have been organized to discuss on how to establish zakah and waqf institution that enable government to improve the welfare of the society. Similar effort has been conducted to enable zakah

Article, International, Press Release, Publication, Research

Indonesia Delegation Achieve The Best Paper of 5th SEAIIPC 2017 Malaysia

Pembentangan 75 paper dari setidaknya 5 negara Asia Tenggara dan sekitarnya mewarnai 5th Southeast Asia International Islamic Philanthropy Conference (SEAIIPC) 2017 kali ini. Setelah 4 penyelenggaran di Jakarta dan Bandung (Indonesia), maka pada 15 February yang lalu, event rutin pemerhati dan pegiat ZISWAF ini digelar di Avillion Melacca Hotel, Malaysia. Sebanyak 60 delegasi Indonesia yang

Internasional, International, Seminar

3rd International Islamic Philantrophy Seminar IMZ Bandung Indonesia

The implementation of Islamic Philanthropy in every country in the world has its own characteristics and uniqueness. This is related to the fact that Islamic Philanthropy has strong connections to the culture and the system from which it is derived. Therefore, presentation and discourse are necessary to enrich the Islamic Philanthropy’s idea and point of

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