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Manajemen Risiko Sektor SDM di Era Ketidakpastian

Kuliah Whatsapp Manajemen SDM bersama Arbono Lasmahadi Manajemen Risiko Sektor SDM di Era Ketidakpastian _Risk Management of Human Capital in VUCA Era_ Kamis, 16 Januari 2020 Pkl 13.00 – 15.00 WIB @ WAG Manajemen SDM WAG Manajemen SDM adalah sebuah wadah diskusi dan konsultasi seputar tema2 manajemen SDM; beranggotakan lebih dari 500 leader dan praktisi

Article, Capacity Building, In-House, News, Regular, Training, Training and Event

Talent Strategy in Industrial Era 4.0

“Today is a millennial child, less than 1 year old has come out. More impatient. They are not as patient as the previous generation. 2 months are not comfortable, they are out We must design institutions to be attractive to millennial human resources. How to get the values of institutions in, learning can be, and

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