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“Dalam hal mengukur dampak program, kami telah melakukan beberapa kajian diantaranya Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat, kajian Multiplier Effect dan SROI, terutama terhadap dua program unggulan kami. Aktivitas pelaporan menjadi sangat penting, supaya tidak loncat-loncat, hingga tidak tahu progressnya”, penjelasan sesi pertama dari Nana Sutisna, Social and Environmental Specialist JOB Pertamina Medco E&P Tomori Sulawesi.

“Meskipun program produktif penting, tetapi program karitatif (penyaluran sosial langsung habis) tidak dapat dihilangkan. Kebutuhan komunitas di lapangan perlu dilihat konteks dan prioritasnya. Program CSR (Coorporate Social Responsibility) harus tetap berjalan. Demikian pula dengan merawat atau memaintenance komunitas, bahkan setelah project nya selesai. Ini tantangan dalam mengelola community development (pengembangan masyarakat).

“Program unggulan kami diantaranya Rumah Pemberdayaan Siboli dan Kampung Herbal Sinorang. Ini merupakan model program kewiraushaan berbasis herbal. Nilai SROI-nya mencapai 1:5,91. Telah berjalan selama empat tahun, kebutuhan akan kesehatan di masyarakat setempat sangat diterima dengan baik. Melalui program ini, dapat memberdayakan kaum perempuan sangat luas. Kini telah ada herbalis 1 orang yang memiliki sertifikasi resmi. Dia menjadi penggerak dengan cakupan 1 kecamatan di sekitarnya.

Nilai dampak, merupakan catatan penting dalam SROI. Dampaknya banyak sekali yang dapat kita record. Awalnya dari hanya ekonomi, kemudian meningkatnya ke aspek kekeluargaan, dsb.

Kami juga melakukan pendekatan masyarakat melalui Rumah Pemberdayaan Ibu dan Anak. Selama lima tahun berjalan, program ini meraih Excellence in Provision of Literacy & Education penghargaan Silver dalam CSR Global Award 2019 yang lalu. Pertumbuhan literasi anak sangat meningkat. Nilai SROI 1:1,16. Kini semakin banyak kegiatan yang fokus pada pertumbuhan kreatifitas anak. Model semacam ini sangat layak untuk dikembangin.

CSR bukan obat untuk mengobati protes demo masyarakat pada perusahaan. Itu hanya bagian dari komunikasi. Ketika hal itu mengganggu operasi perusahaan, itu jadi catatan. Pengukuran semacam ini sangat bermanfaat karena dapat menjadi ‘jembatan komunikasi’ ke pihak manajemen dan juga masyarakat”.

Sessi kedua dibawakan oleh Maria R. Nindita Radyati, Ph.D., Sustainability and Executive Director, CECT Universitas Trisakti, menurutnya:

“Global citizen, saat ini tidak akan bisa terlepas dari permasalahan dunia. Misalnya, untuk export makanan harus sudah ada sertifikasinya. Bagi yang punya tanaman, semua ada standarnya. Sekarang kita harus mengikuti standar dunia jika ingin berpartisipasi dalam persaingan global. Tidak bisa kita hidup dalam ‘silo’. Perang di negara lain, ada dampaknya ke negara tetangga lain. Maka dia akan membawa budaya dan kebiasaan yang belum tentu cocok.

Bagi yang membeli saham. Apa dulu bisnisnya. Apakah rentan dengan perubahan iklim. Misalnya, perusahaan elektronik bisa terpengaruh dengan persoalan kesehatan seperti COVID-19 ini, termasuk Impor supply row material dari Cina terpaksa berhenti. Belum lagi dari itali, atau belum dari negara lainnya. Kondisi ini menunjukkan kaitannya dengan keputusan membeli saham, dimana perlu dipertimbangkan non-financial aspek. Itulah mengapa ‘Social Value’ menjadi sangat penting.

Social dalam bahasa indonesia, diartikan sebagai bantuan, donasi, atau memberi gratis. Tapi dalam dictionary bahasa Inggris, berarti isu-isu non ekonomi yang dihadapi masyarkat, termasuk lingkungan hidup, kesehatan, kerukunan, dsb. Itu semua masuk dalam aspek social. Oleh karena dalam bahasa Indonesia kata “sosial” diartikan sebagai sumbangan, donasi, dsb maka mindset-nya begitu mendengar terminologi CSR langsung diartikan sebagai sumbangan Cuma Soal Rupiah. Sehingga tidak merasa ada ‘value’ diluar itu. Tidak ada hubungannya dengan bisnis. Maka diperlukan aspek-aspek lain yang bisa mengukur. ROI itu penting, tetapi SROI juga penting”.

Maria terus melanjutkan dengan menjelaskan bahwa kini 3P menjadi 5P: People, Prosperity, Planet, Partnership, Peace. Dignity, manusia diperlukan, dimana manusia perlu “di-wongke”.

“Tak sekedar jadi buruh aja, tapi juga menjadi bagian owner dari bisnisnya. Apakah program CSR mampu menciptakan peace. Apakah tumbuh partnershipnya. Misal dengan ikut program arisan, anggota jadi bisa curhat. Apa obat dan solusinya? Aspek-aspek non finansial itulah yang membuat mereka happy. Jika kita sudah mampu mengukur dengan detil impact program community development kita, maka kita dapat mendesain program yang lebih baik. Ini merupakan mekanisme evaluasi supaya bisa membuat planning. Mana yang kita boosting mana yang kita hentikan. SROI hanya salah satu metodenya. Awalnya dari Amerika, trus dikembangkan di UK. Banyak macam metode lainnya.”

Sesi akhir disampaikan oleh Dede Abdul Hasyir, Academia in Sustainability Accounting dari Universitas Padjajaran.

“Ada dua sisi yang perlu dipahami bahwa impact assessment merupakan bagian dari fase monev, dimana terdapat model manajerial POAC, serta terdapat lifecycle sebuah program serta fase monev itu sendiri.

Hal-hal apa yg sudah diinitiate apa yang telah direncanakan sebelumnya. input proses output. apakah ada outcome hingga perlu skill apa saja yang dibutuhkan. Apakah intervensi memberikan dampak-dampak baik yang diniatkan ataupun tidak diniatkan. Apakah ada intervensi posittif maupun negatif yang dapat muncul.

Kompetensi dasar seorang evaluator terdiri beberapa skill diantaranya: penyelidikan sistematis, praktik profesional, manajemen proyek, analisis situasional, praktik reflektif dan kemampuan interpersonal. Jika baru berjalan satu tahun, maka kaji dampak program akan kurang representatif. Minimal kajian dapat efektif mencerminkan hasil ketika sudah berjalan selama tiga tahun.”

Indonesia Social Value Discussion Batch 3 yang diselenggarakan Kamis 12 Maret 2020 yang lalu bertempat di Kampus MM Sustainability Universitas Trisakti di Menara Batavia Jakarta, berlangsung dengan hangat dan meriah. Sebagai catatan, sore itu merupakan hari-hari terakhir sebelum pandemi Covid-19 melanda atau lebih tepatnya pekan terakhir sebelum pembatasan sekolah dan kantor berlaku.

Sejumlah protokol kesehatan telah diberlakukan di penjuru kampus dan ruang acara. Tak menyurutkan semangat keilmuan 57 peserta dari berbagai perusahaan, lembaga, NGO maupun kota. Berikut ini beberapa catatan terkait pemaparan para narasumber. Semoga bermanfaat.

Prasetyo Wibowo
Manager Training and Business Development IMZ
IG @prasetyow_id

Social Value Indonesia


“In terms of measuring the impact of the program, we have conducted several studies including the Community Satisfaction Index, the Multiplier Effect study and SROI, especially on our two flagship programs. Reporting activities are very important, so that they don’t jump around, so they don’t know the progress, “explained the first session from Nana Sutisna, JOB Pertamina Medco E&P Tomori Sulawesi Social and Environmental Specialist.

“Even though productive programs are important, charity programs (direct social distribution run out) cannot be eliminated. Community needs in the field need to be seen in the context and priorities. The CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) program must continue. Likewise, caring for or maintaining the community, even after the project is completed. This is a challenge in managing community development.

“Our excellent programs include Siboli Empowerment House and Sinorang Herbal Village. This is a model of an herbal-based entrepreneurship program. The value of SROI reaches 1: 5,91. Has been running for four years, the need for health in the local community is very well received. Through this program, it can empower women very broadly. Now there is one herbalist who has official certification. He became a mover with a scope of 1 surrounding district.

The impact value, is an important note in SROI. The impact is a lot that we can record. Initially from just the economy, then it increased to the family aspect, etc.

We also approach the community through the Mother and Child Empowerment Home. During the five years running, this program won Excellence in Provision of Literacy & Education the Silver award at the 2019 Global CSR Award ago. Children’s literacy growth is greatly improved. SROI Value 1: 1.16. Now more and more activities are focused on the growth of children’s creativity. This kind of model is very feasible to develop.

CSR is not a medicine to treat public protest protests at companies. That is only part of communication. When it disrupts the company’s operations, it becomes a note. This kind of measurement is very useful because it can become a ‘communication bridge’ to management and also the community.

The second session was delivered by Maria R. Nindita Radyati, Ph.D., Sustainability and Executive Director, CECT Trisakti University, according to her:

“Global citizens, at this time can not be separated from world problems. For example, for food exports there must be certification. For those who have plants, all have standards. Now we must follow world standards if we want to participate in global competition. We can’t live in ‘silos’. War in other countries, there is an impact on other neighboring countries. Then he will bring culture and habits that are not necessarily suitable.

For those who buy shares. What was the business. Is it vulnerable to climate change. For example, electronics companies can be affected by health problems such as COVID-19, including the import of supply row material from China forced to stop. Not to mention from Italy, or not from other countries. This condition shows its relation to the decision to buy shares, which needs to be considered non-financial aspects. That’s why ‘Social Value’ is so important.

Social in Indonesian, is defined as assistance, donations, or giving free. But in the English dictionary, it means non-economic issues facing society, including the environment, health, harmony, etc. It all included in the social aspect. Because in the Indonesian language the word “social” is interpreted as donations, donations, etc. then the mindset of hearing CSR terminology is immediately interpreted as a contribution of just Rupiah. So it doesn’t feel like there is a value outside of it. It has nothing to do with business. Then needed other aspects that can measure. ROI is important, but SROI is also important “.

Maria goes on to explain that 3P has now become 5P: People, Prosperity, Planet, Partnership, Peace. Dignity, humans are needed, where humans need to be “wowed”.

“Not just being a laborer, but also a part of the owner of the business. Is the CSR program capable of creating peace. Is the partnership growing. For example, by joining the social gathering program, members can share. What is the medicine and solution? Non-financial aspects that make them happy. If we are able to measure in detail the impact of our community development programs, then we can design better programs. This is an evaluation mechanism for planning. Which ones do we stop from? SROI is only one method. Originally from America, then developed in the UK. Many other methods. ”

The final session was delivered by Dede Abdul Hasyir, Academia in Sustainability Accounting from Padjadjaran University.

“There are two sides to understanding that impact assessment is part of the monev phase, where there is a POAC managerial model, and there is a lifecycle of a program and the monev phase itself.

What things have been initiated what has been planned beforehand. input process output. is there an outcome to what skills are needed. Do interventions have impacts that are either intended or not intended. Are there positive or negative interventions that can arise.

An evaluator’s basic competence consists of several skills including: systematic inquiry, professional practice, project management, situational analysis, reflective practice and interpersonal skills. If it has only been running for one year, then the impact assessment of the program will be less representative. At a minimum the study can effectively reflect the results when it has been running for three years. ”

The Indonesia Social Value Discussion Batch 3, which was held on Thursday, March 12, 2020, took place at the Trisakti University MM Sustainability Campus in Menara Batavia Jakarta, took place warmly and cheerfully. For the record, that afternoon was the last days before the Covid-19 pandemic struck or rather the last week before school and office restrictions were in force.

A number of health protocols have been implemented throughout the campus and event space. It did not dampen the scientific enthusiasm of 57 participants from various companies, institutions, NGOs and cities. The following are some notes related to the presentation of the speakers. May be useful.

Prasetyo Wibowo
Manager Training and Business Development IMZ
IG @prasetyow_id

Indonesian Social Value

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