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Ciputat – The 3rd Da’i Pemberdaya Program (Empowering Preacher Program) 2016 was held by the coorporation between IMZ and full supported by BAMUIS BNI, a zakat corporate organization that manage the zakat collection and the zakat distribution from employee of Bank Negara Indonesia. This program was well conducted since 2015 at IMZ Building, Ciputat South Tangerang. “Da’i Pemberdaya Program was aimed to increase the empowerment skill to build a strong local society” Kushardanta said, Head of IMZ, at the opening of the 3rd Da’i Pemberdaya Program, last Monday (25/4). This program was conducted for 5 days from 25-29 April 2016, 4 day in class training and 1 day empowerment visit in Business Village Tegalwaru, Bogor. Total participants 34 people of IMZ Empowering Preacher Program are representation from many institutions such as Pos Da’i Hidayatullah, Muhammad Natsir Islamic School, Da’i Cordova, Nurussyifa Foundation, Mutiara Hikmah Foundation, Assafiinah Foundation, Sharia Islamic Forum, Education Training Center, Nurul Iman Mosque and individuals. Knowledge from various multi disciplinary was given to all participant to increase the basic and complementary skill in modernity era, such as preach strategy and commitment, zakat knowledge, agriculture knowledge, economy and social enterpreneurship and information technology. IMZ associate expert as the facilitators are Ust.Taufik Ridlo, Ust. Hilman Rosyad Shihab, Kushardanta, Koh Hanny Kristianto from Yayasan Mualaf Center Indonesia, Nanan Murbano as representative from BAMUIS BNI, drh. Ajat Sudarjat, Kuswolo Darmo, Rini Suprihartanti and Sutisna Ahmad from Dompet Dhuafa, as well as the founder of Business Village Tegalwaru Tatiek Kancaniati. “We hope this program will be continously and make a big contribution to all preachers especially, and ummah in general” the expectation of a participant.Ciputat – The 3rd Da’i Pemberdaya Program (Empowering Preacher Program) 2016 was held by the coorporation between IMZ and full supported by BAMUIS BNI, a zakat corporate organization that manage the zakat collection and the zakat distribution from employee of Bank Negara Indonesia. This program was well conducted since 2015 at IMZ Building, Ciputat South Tangerang. “Da’i Pemberdaya Program was aimed to increase the empowerment skill to build a strong local society” Kushardanta said, Head of IMZ, at the opening of the 3rd Da’i Pemberdaya Program, last Monday (25/4). This program was conducted for 5 days from 25-29 April 2016, 4 day in class training and 1 day empowerment visit in Business Village Tegalwaru, Bogor. Total participants 34 people of IMZ Empowering Preacher Program are representation from many institutions such as Pos Da’i Hidayatullah, Muhammad Natsir Islamic School, Da’i Cordova, Nurussyifa Foundation, Mutiara Hikmah Foundation, Assafiinah Foundation, Sharia Islamic Forum, Education Training Center, Nurul Iman Mosque and individuals. Knowledge from various multi disciplinary was given to all participant to increase the basic and complementary skill in modernity era, such as preach strategy and commitment, zakat knowledge, agriculture knowledge, economy and social enterpreneurship and information technology.  IMZ associate expert as the facilitators are Ust.Taufik Ridlo, Ust. Hilman Rosyad Shihab, Kushardanta, Koh Hanny Kristianto from Yayasan Mualaf Center Indonesia, Nanan Murbano as representative from BAMUIS BNI, drh. Ajat Sudarjat, Kuswolo Darmo, Rini Suprihartanti and Sutisna Ahmad from Dompet Dhuafa, as well as the founder of Business Village Tegalwaru Tatiek Kancaniati. “We hope this program will be continously and make a big contribution to all preachers especially, and ummah in general” the expectation of a participant.Ciputat- Setelah sukses dalam Program Da’i Pemberdaya Angkatan ke-1 dan 2 pada tahun 2015. IMZ bekerjasama dengan BAMUIS BNI kembali menggagas Program Da’i Pemberdaya Angkatan Ke-3. “Program Da’i Pemberdaya bertujuan sebagai pembekalan keterampilan memberdayakan masyarakat yang dibutuhkan bagi para da’i di daerah” kata Kushardanta, pimpinan IMZ, pada pembukaan Program Da’i Pemberdaya Angkatan Ke-3, Senin (25/4). Program ini dilaksanakan selama 5 hari mulai tanggal 25 hingga 29 April 2016 yaitu berupa pelatihan di kelas selama 4 hari di gedung IMZ dan pada hari terakhir para da’i melakukan kunjungan ke daerah pemberdayaan masyarakat di Kampung Wisata Bisnis Tegalwaru. Peserta Program Da’i Pemberdaya Angkatan Ke-3 berjumlah 34 orang yang merupakan perwakilan dari Pos Da’i Hidayatullah, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Da’wah Muhammad Natsir, Da’i Cordova, Yayasan Nurussyifa, Yayasan Mutiara Hikmah, Yayasan Assafiinah, Sharia Islamic Forum, Education Training Center, DKM Nurul Iman dan perorangan. Para da’i mendapatkan materi mulai dari komitmen dalam berdakwah, profil dakwah, dakwah pada pemuda, pengenalan diri, strategi menghadapi pemurtadan, zakat dalam praktik, budidaya peternakan dan pertanian, manajemen keuangan, analisis kelayakan usaha hingga materi social entrepreneurship. Hadir sebagai narasumber Ust. Taufik Ridlo, Ust. Hilman Rosyad Syihab, Kushardanta, Koh Hanny Kristianto dari Yayasan Mualaf Center Indonesia, Nanan Murbano perwakilan BAMUIS BNI, drh, Ajat Sudarjat, Kuswolo Darmo, Rini Suprihartanti dan Sutisna Ahmad dari Dompet Dhuafa, serta Tatiek Kancaniati pendiri Kampung Wisata Bisnis Tegalwaru. “Semoga program ini bisa berlanjut dan ke depan semakin memberikan kontribusi yang besar bagi para da’i pemberdaya khususnya dan nusantara pada umumnya” harap salah seorang peserta Program Da’i Pemberdaya Angkatan Ke-3.]]>

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