Saat masuk ke digital fundraising, banyak lembaga yang terjebak dalam aspek teknis semata, terutama memilih platform. Padahal keberhasilan digital fundraising bukan hanya terletak pada kesiapan alat atau teknologi, tetapi juga pada kesiapan kultur atau budaya. Shifting digital fundraising perlu adanya pembangunan kultur digital.
Ada tiga hal pembangunan kultur yang perlu diperhatikan di era pandemi ini, yaitu cara lembaga berkomunikasi dengan donatur, cara berinteraksi, dan cara bertransaksi. Lembaga filantropi selama ini cenderung berperan sebagai perwakilan donor atau perwakilan muzaki semata. Padahal banyak pola yang telah berubah di masa pandemi. Penerima manfaat atau mustahik banyak bermunculan di lingkungan terdekat dengan muzaki. Dan, lembaga filantropi jarang yang menjangkau hingga area-area tersebut atau belum memiliki pola pendekatannya.
Bersama IMZ Online Learning Program kali ini, kita akan belajar mendesain program fundraising yang sesuai dengan pola masyarakat terkini di era pandemi yang mengutamakan shifting behavior tak sekadar shifting tools.
a. Peserta mampu memahami konsep design sprint dalam fundraising
b. Peserta mampu mempraktekkannya dalam merancang program fundraising terutama shifting behavior atau membangun kultur digital
Bersama :
Bambang Suherman, Ketua Forum Zakat dan Direktur Pengembangan Zakat Dompet Dhuafa
Rabu, 22 Juli 2020
09.00 – 15.00 WIB
Via Aplikasi ZOOM
Personal Rp.150.000
Daftar 2 orang GRATIS 1 orang
Informasi & Pendaftaran
Intan IMZ 085215646958 (whatsapp, sms, telepon)
Facebook : Info IMZ
Instagram : Info IMZ
Twitter : @infoIMZ
When entering digital fundraising, many institutions are trapped in technical aspects only, especially choosing the platform. Though the success of digital fundraising lies not only in the readiness of tools or technology, but also in the readiness of culture. Shifting digital fundraising needs the development of digital culture.
There are three aspects of cultural development that need to be considered in this pandemic era, namely how institutions communicate with donors, how to interact, and how to transact. Philanthropic institutions have tended to act as donor representatives or muzaki representatives. Though many patterns have changed during the pandemic. Many beneficiaries or mustahik appear in the environment closest to muzaki. And, philanthropic institutions rarely reach out to these areas or do not yet have a pattern of approach.
Together with the IMZ Online Learning Program this time, we will learn to design a fundraising program that is in line with current community patterns in the pandemic era that prioritizes shifting behavior not just shifting tools.
a. Participants are able to understand the concept of sprint design in fundraising
b. Participants are able to practice it in designing fundraising programs, especially shifting behavior or building digital culture
Together :
Bambang Suherman, Chairperson of the Zakat Forum and Director of the Development of Zakat Dompet Dhuafa
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. WIB
Via the ZOOM Application
Personal Rp.150,000
Register 2 people FREE 1 person
Information & Registration
Intan IMZ 085215646958 (whatsapp, sms, telephone)
Facebook: IMZ info
Instagram: IMZ info
Twitter: @infoIMZ