Kurban tahun ini akan sangat berbeda dan dengan situasi penuh waspada. Gelombang I Covid-19 di nusantara belum juga melandai, pengelola kurban wajib melengkapi standar protokol kesehatan baik yang terkait ternaknya, kandangnya, pakannya, jagalnya, proses pemotongannya, hingga distribusi daging kurbannya.
Kita akan Ngopi Susu (Ngobrol Pagi Suka-suka) dengan dua narasumber pakar tentang bagaimana atensi masyarakat pada kurban tahun ini, daya beli dan pola belinya. Bagaimana program kurban yang dapat memberdayakan ekonomi hingga pelosok daerah di masa pandemi ini. Semua kita bahas di Kurban Rasa Corona beserta live show kandang kurban Carrefour Lebak Bulus.
• Ir. Zainal Abidin, Group Head Agro Dompet Dhuafa Social Enterprise
• Yusuf Wibisono, Direktur IDEAS
• Fatchuri Rosidin, Direktur Inspirasi Melintas Zaman (IMZ)
Kamis, 23 Juli 2020
Pukul 10.00-12.00 WIB
Via Aplikasi ZOOM
Info & Pendaftaran
Intan IMZ 085215646958 (whatsapp, sms, telepon)
Facebook: Info IMZ
Instagran: Info IMZ
Twitter: @infoIMZ
This year’s sacrifice will be very different and with a full alert situation. Wave I Covid-19 in the archipelago has not yet been sloping, sacrificial managers are required to complete good health protocol standards related to their livestock, cages, feeds, butchers, slaughtering processes, to the distribution of sacrificial meat.
We will have a copy of Kopi (chatting in the morning like-and-like) with two expert speakers about how people’s attention on this year’s sacrifice, purchasing power and purchasing patterns. How is the sacrifice program that can empower the economy to remote areas during this pandemic. All we discussed at Corona Rasa Sacrifice along with the live show of the Lebak Bulus Carrefour corral.
• Ir. Zainal Abidin, Group Head of Agro Dompet Dhuafa Social Enterprise
• Yusuf Wibisono, IDEAS Director
• Fatchuri Rosidin, Director of Cross Age Inspirations (IMZ)
Thursday, July 23, 2020
10:00 to 12:00 WIB
Via the ZOOM Application
Info & Registration
Intan IMZ 085215646958 (whatsapp, sms, telephone)
Facebook: IMZ info
Instagrants: IMZ info
Twitter: @infoIMZ