“The fundamental way is to not to just measure our goal. We want to help this community. What is the effect for others as well. We want to this segment between community, we want to help older people, younger people, what is the effect for the others as well.
Social Value in SROI is be complete and realistic, and not just think about did we’ve achieved our goal. Because we may achieve our goal with expensing the people. And some people expensing negative changes, may be there is more valueable than positive. Maybe we make world worst place with our invention. We just throwing good money. We need to be sistematic and complete in our assessment on impact”_, demikian papar Dr. Adam Richard, Projects, Research & Training Manager, Social Value UK.
Indonesia Social Value Discussion #4 yang kali ini diselenggarakan pada Jumat 24 April 2020 sore, diadakan secara online di masa pandemi Covid-19 serta suasana Work From Home. Namun, tidak menghalangi semangat diskusi dan keilmuan, malah menjadi jembatan serta momentum mengundang pakar internasional. Salah satu pioner dalam Social Value International ini memang tidak sedang berada di Inggris, namun harus mengikuti aturan pembatasan kesehatan dan kini berada di Bali.
Lintas lokasi menjadikan diskusi daring ini semakin menarik. Narasumber asli Inggris yang live dari Bali, host secara live dari Surabaya dan Bogor serta pembukaan dari Ketua Social Value Indonesia dari Jakarta. Sejumlah 60 peserta dari seluruh nusantara, mulai dari perwakilan CSR korporat, akademisi, praktisi SDGs, yayasan dan NGO, BAZNAS hingga Lembaga Amil Zakat juga turut meramaikan diskusi jelang hari pertama berbuka puasa ini.
Selain rutin mengadakan diskusi dengan berbagai tema populer yang terkait dengan social impact, SVI akan mengembangkan program berikutnya dengan pelatihan daring atau capacity building online.
In picture: – The Important of Impact Management by Dr Adam Richards from Social Value UK
– Welcoming Speech from General Secretary mr @cakpurnomo and Chief @socialvalueid @rini_suprihartanti
Prasetyo Wibowo
Manager Training and Business Development IMZ
IG @prasetyow_id
“The fundamental way is to not measure our goals. We want to help this community. What is the effect for others as well. We want to segment this community, we want to help older people, younger people, what is the effect for the others as well.
Social Value in SROI is complete and realistic, and not just thinking about did we achieved our goals. Because we may achieve our goals by expensing the people. And some people expensing negative changes, maybe there is more valueable than positive. Maybe we make the world the worst place with our invention. We just throwing good money. “We need to be systematic and complete in our assessment on impact”, said Dr. Adam Richard, Projects, Research & Training Manager, UK Social Value.
The Indonesia Social Value Discussion # 4, which was held on Friday, April 24, 2020, was held online during the Covid-19 pandemic and the atmosphere of Work From Home. However, it does not impede the spirit of discussion and science, instead it becomes a bridge and momentum to invite international experts. One of the pioneers in Social Value International is indeed not currently in the UK, but must follow the rules of health restrictions and is now in Bali.
Cross location makes this online discussion more interesting. A native English speaker who lives from Bali, hosts live from Surabaya and Bogor as well as an opening from the Chairperson of Indonesian Social Value from Jakarta. A total of 60 participants from all over the archipelago, ranging from corporate CSR representatives, academics, SDGs practitioners, foundations and NGOs, BAZNAS to the Amil Zakat Institute also enlivened the discussion ahead of the first day of breaking the fast.
Besides holding regular discussions on various popular themes related to social impact, SVI will develop the next program with online training or online capacity building.
In picture: – The Important of Impact Management by Dr. Adam Richards from Social Value UK
– Welcoming Speech from General Secretary mr @cakpurnomo and Chief @socialvalueid @rini_suprihartanti
Prasetyo Wibowo
Manager Training and Business Development IMZ
IG @prasetyow_id