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The Covid-19 pandemic has given birth to 4.9 million new poor * in Indonesia. The figure was obtained from the increase in the number of poor people issued by BPS compared to 2019. If the government fails to overcome this pandemic quickly, * the Center of Reform & Economics (CORE) * even predicts the number of poor people will only reach 12.2 million people.

The government has allocated funds up to 677.2 trillion to overcome them. 203.9 trillion of them are allocated for social protection for affected communities in the form of social assistance, food assistance, cash assistance, work programs, family hope programs, and village funds.

But I don’t want to discuss government programs. Many have discussed it. I am more interested in highlighting the initiatives of social institutions that can be used as a benchmark for economic empowerment for the poor. Who knows, this program can be duplicated to overcome poverty. I want to peel just one: sacrifice.

Why sacrifice? Because of its large economic potential. This year, it is predicted that there will be 2.3 million victims. Its economic value according to research * Institute for Demographic & Poverty Studies (IDEAS) * reaches 20.5 trillion. So I am interested in peeling it.

I choose just one program. His name is Spreading Animal Sacrifice (THK) managed by Dompet Dhuafa. I chose this program to be dissected because the focus was indeed on the economic empowerment of the poor *, not selling goats. This program has been running for 26 years. This year they are targeting to distribute 30,000 sheep / goats and 1,000 cattle.

By Dompet Dhuafa, sacrifice is used as a means of economic empowerment. The target is the small farmers in the villages. Also poor families are then trained to become fostered farmers. The target is to improve the welfare of farmers.

Then, the business process is compiled. How can this program empower small farmers? What problems have been faced by small farmers in the area? What will Dompet Dhuafa do to overcome this problem?

They do research and find problems faced by small farmers in the area: capital, low knowledge about livestock raising, management, and marketing. The THK program design was then structured to address this problem.

In terms of capital, the 2016 Magsaysay Award recipient institution allocates social funds to provide capital assistance for small farmers in the regions. Dompet Dhuafa comes to the villages to recruit prospective fostered farmers and provide capital assistance. The capital is not money, but a kid.

Then, Dompet Dhuafa sends animal husbandry experts to provide guidance to farmers. Dompet Dhuafa calls it a companion. They are specially recruited, trained, and mentally prepared. Because their job is not only to provide training, but also live-in alias living in the village with the breeders; responsible for fostering farmers in one particular area. These assistants are also tasked with facilitating the growth of breeder business containers and accessing marketing networks. They are the fighters who work in a lonely, dedicating themselves to empowering farmers.

To ensure the quality of livestock to be suitable for sacrifice, Dompet Dhuafa periodically sends a Quality Control team to check it. The QC team came to the villages traveled hundreds of kilometers on hilly roads, through forests, traced rivers, crossed the sea, just to make sure livestock meet quality standards. The journey of these quality controllers is often enshrined in the touching memoirs of travel memoirs.

How about the marketing? This is where Dompet Dhuafa cleverly utilizes the Eid al-Adha holiday to market it. Dompet Dhuafa acts as an off-taker; buy all the sacrificial livestock raised by the fostered farmers and offer it to the well-off people who will sacrifice.

These sacrificial animals are not brought to the sacrificial house, but are cut and distributed to poor areas which are in the same area as the location of the breeder. The distribution of Dompet Dhuafa sacrifices * has reached 4,155 villages, 375 sub-districts, 214 districts and 33 provinces *. This is also a smart way to * cut distribution costs * so that the price of sacrifices offered by Dompet Dhuafa can be more affordable. This year they offer sacrificial goats starting at 1.49 million rupiah.

Dompet Dhuafa prioritizes the distribution of sacrificial meat to poor areas, refugee holding areas due to disasters, nursing homes, orphanages, mosques, and pesantren in remote areas that have difficulty in obtaining sacrificial animals because generally the economy of the community is less able.

Can such programs be used to provide new jobs, including those affected by Corona? Can goats be used against Corona?

If the method is done like Dompet Dhuafa, I am sure the answer can. But it must be serious and requires a long stamina. The economic empowerment program cannot be hit & run. Not enough to provide capital. It’s not enough to just train. * We must provide assistance to farmers; be their mentor, and last but not least transmit optimism and work ethic. END

Inspirasi Melintas Zaman (IMZ Consulting) is a social enterprise organization that helps profit and non-profit organizations in the fields of leadership, human resource development and community empowerment based on spiritual values. If interested in joining the programs, please contact at 021-7418607/08852.1564.6958

Pandemi Covid-19 telah melahirkan 4,9 juta orang miskin baru* di Indonesia. Angka itu didapat dari kenaikan jumlah penduduk miskin yang dikeluarkan BPS dibandingkan tahun 2019. Jika pemerintah gagal mengatasi pandemi ini dengan cepat, *Center of Reform & Economics (CORE)* bahkan memprediksi jumlah orang miskin baru akan mencapai 12,2 juta orang.

Pemerintah telah mengalokasikan dana hingga 677,2 trilyun untuk mengatasinya. 203,9 trilyun di antaranya dialokasikan untuk perlindungan sosial bagi masyarakat terdampak dalam bentuk bansos, bantuan sembako, bantuan tunai, program prakerja, program keluarga harapan, dan dana desa.

Tapi saya tidak ingin membahas program pemerintah. Sudah banyak yang membahasnya. Saya lebih tertarik menyoroti inisiatif lembaga-lembaga sosial yang bisa dijadikan _benchmark_ dalam pemberdayaan ekonomi untuk masyarakat miskin. Siapa tahu program ini bisa diduplikasi untuk mengatasi kemiskinan. Saya ingin kupas salah satu saja: kurban.

Kenapa kurban? Karena potensi ekonominya besar. Tahun ini, diprediksikan ada 2,3 juta pekurban. Nilai ekonominya menurut riset *Institute for Demographic & Poverty Studies (IDEAS)* mencapai 20,5 trilyun. Jadi saya tertarik mengupasnya.

Saya pilih satu program saja. Namanya Tebar Hewan Kurban (THK) yang dikelola oleh Dompet Dhuafa. Program ini saya pilih untuk dibedah karena fokusnya memang pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat bawah*, bukan jualan kambing. Program ini sudah berjalan 26 tahun. Tahun ini mereka mentargetkan bisa mendistribusikan 30.000 domba/kambing dan 1.000 sapi.

Oleh Dompet Dhuafa, kurban dijadikan sarana pemberdayaan ekonomi. Sasarannya para peternak kecil di desa-desa. Juga keluarga-keluarga miskin yang kemudian dilatih menjadi peternak binaan. Targetnya meningkatkan kesejahteraan peternak.

Lalu, disusunlah _business process_-nya. Bagaimana agar program ini bisa memberdayakan peternak kecil? Apa problem yang selama ini dihadapi oleh peternak kecil di daerah? Apa yang akan dilakukan oleh Dompet Dhuafa untuk mengatasi persoalan tersebut?

Mereka lakukan riset dan menemukan masalah-masalah yang dihadapi para peternak kecil di daerah: permodalan, pengetahuan yang rendah tentang pemeliharaan hewan ternak, manajemen, dan pemasaran. Desain program THK kemudian disusun untuk menjawab masalah ini.

Dalam hal permodalan, lembaga penerima penghargaan Magsaysay Award 2016 ini mengalokasikan dana sosialnya untuk memberikan bantuan modal bagi peternak kecil di daerah. Dompet Dhuafa datang ke desa-desa untuk merekrut calon peternak binaan dan memberikan bantuan modal. Modalnya bukan uang, tapi anak kambing.

Lalu, Dompet Dhuafa mengirimkan tenaga-tenaga ahli peternakan untuk melakukan pembinaan kepada peternak. Dompet Dhuafa menyebutnya sebagai pendamping. Mereka direkrut khusus, dilatih, dan disiapkan mentalnya. Karena tugas mereka tak hanya berkunjung memberikan pelatihan, tapi juga live-in alias tinggal di desa bersama para peternak ; bertanggung jawab atas pembinaan peternak dalam satu wilayah tertentu. Para pendamping ini juga bertugas memfasilitasi tumbuhnya wadah bisnis peternak dan mengakses jaringan pemasaran. Merekalah para pejuang yang bekerja dalam sepi, mendedikasikan dirinya untuk memberdayakan para peternak.

Untuk memastikan kualitas ternak agar layak dijadikan kurban, Dompet Dhuafa secara periodik mengirimkan tim Quality Control untuk mengeceknya. Tim QC ini datang ke desa-desa menempuh perjalanan ratusan kilometer dengan jalan berbukit-bukit, menembus hutan, menelusuri sungai, menyeberang laut, hanya untuk memastikan hewan ternak memenuhi standar kualitas. Kisah-kisah perjalanan para _quality controller_ ini seringkali diabadikan dalam catatan memoar perjalanan yang menyentuh hati.

Bagaimana dengan pemasarannya? Di sinilah Dompet Dhuafa dengan cerdik memanfaatkan hari raya Idul Adha untuk memasarkannya. Dompet Dhuafa bertindak sebagai _off-taker_ ; membeli semua ternak kurban yang dipelihara oleh para peternak binaan dan menawarkannya kepada masyarakat mampu yang akan berkurban.

Hewan ternak kurban ini tidak dibawa ke rumah pekurban, tapi dipotong dan dibagikan ke daerah-daerah miskin yang berada dalam satu wilayah dengan lokasi peternak. Distribusi kurban Dompet Dhuafa *telah menjangkau 4.155 desa, 375 kecamatan, 214 kabupaten, dan 33 propinsi*. Ini juga cara cerdas *memotong biaya distribusi* sehingga harga kurban yang ditawarkan Dompet Dhuafa bisa lebih terjangkau. Tahun ini kambing kurban mereka tawarkan mulai dari harga 1,49 juta rupiah.

Dompet Dhuafa memprioritaskan distribusi daging kurbannya ke daerah miskin, daerah penampungan pengungsi akibat bencana, panti jompo, panti asuhan, masjid, dan pesantren di daerah terpencil yang kesulitan mendapatkan bantuan hewan kurban karena umumnya ekonomi masyarakatnya kurang mampu.

Bisakah program semacam ini digunakan untuk memberikan lapangan kerja baru, termasuk mereka yang terkena imbas Corona? Apa bisa kambing dipakai untuk melawan Corona?

Kalau caranya seperti yang dilakukan Dompet Dhuafa, saya yakin jawabannya bisa. Tapi memang harus serius dan butuh stamina panjang. Program pemberdayaan ekonomi tak bisa hit & run. Tak cukup dengan memberikan modal. Tak cukup hanya melatih. *Kita harus melakukan pendampingan peternak; menjadi mentor mereka, dan yang tak kalah penting menularkan optimisme dan etos kerja. END

Inspirasi Melintas Zaman (IMZ Consulting) merupakan lembaga _social enterprise_ yang membantu organisasi profit dan nirlaba di bidang leadership, pengembangan SDM dan pemberdayaan masyarakat berbasis nilai-nilai spiritual. Jika tertarik mengikuti program-programnya, silakan kontak di 021-7418607 / 0852.1564.6958



The Covid-19 pandemic has given birth to 4.9 million new poor * in Indonesia. The figure was obtained from the increase in the number of poor people issued by BPS compared to 2019. If the government fails to overcome this pandemic quickly, * the Center of Reform & Economics (CORE) * even predicts the number of poor people will only reach 12.2 million people.

The government has allocated funds up to 677.2 trillion to overcome them. 203.9 trillion of them are allocated for social protection for affected communities in the form of social assistance, food assistance, cash assistance, work programs, family hope programs, and village funds.

But I don’t want to discuss government programs. Many have discussed it. I am more interested in highlighting the initiatives of social institutions that can be used as a benchmark for economic empowerment for the poor. Who knows, this program can be duplicated to overcome poverty. I want to peel just one: sacrifice.

Why sacrifice? Because of its large economic potential. This year, it is predicted that there will be 2.3 million victims. Its economic value according to research * Institute for Demographic & Poverty Studies (IDEAS) * reaches 20.5 trillion. So I am interested in peeling it.

I choose just one program. His name is Spreading Animal Sacrifice (THK) managed by Dompet Dhuafa. I chose this program to be dissected because the focus was indeed on the economic empowerment of the poor *, not selling goats. This program has been running for 26 years. This year they are targeting to distribute 30,000 sheep / goats and 1,000 cattle.

By Dompet Dhuafa, sacrifice is used as a means of economic empowerment. The target is the small farmers in the villages. Also poor families are then trained to become fostered farmers. The target is to improve the welfare of farmers.

Then, the business process is compiled. How can this program empower small farmers? What problems have been faced by small farmers in the area? What will Dompet Dhuafa do to overcome this problem?

They do research and find problems faced by small farmers in the area: capital, low knowledge about livestock raising, management, and marketing. The THK program design was then structured to address this problem.

In terms of capital, the 2016 Magsaysay Award recipient institution allocates social funds to provide capital assistance for small farmers in the regions. Dompet Dhuafa comes to the villages to recruit prospective fostered farmers and provide capital assistance. The capital is not money, but a kid.

Then, Dompet Dhuafa sends animal husbandry experts to provide guidance to farmers. Dompet Dhuafa calls it a companion. They are specially recruited, trained, and mentally prepared. Because their job is not only to provide training, but also live-in alias living in the village with the breeders; responsible for fostering farmers in one particular area. These assistants are also tasked with facilitating the growth of breeder business containers and accessing marketing networks. They are the fighters who work in a lonely, dedicating themselves to empowering farmers.

To ensure the quality of livestock to be suitable for sacrifice, Dompet Dhuafa periodically sends a Quality Control team to check it. The QC team came to the villages traveled hundreds of kilometers on hilly roads, through forests, traced rivers, crossed the sea, just to make sure livestock meet quality standards. The journey of these quality controllers is often enshrined in the touching memoirs of travel memoirs.

How about the marketing? This is where Dompet Dhuafa cleverly utilizes the Eid al-Adha holiday to market it. Dompet Dhuafa acts as an off-taker; buy all the sacrificial livestock raised by the fostered farmers and offer it to the well-off people who will sacrifice.

These sacrificial animals are not brought to the sacrificial house, but are cut and distributed to poor areas which are in the same area as the location of the breeder. The distribution of Dompet Dhuafa sacrifices * has reached 4,155 villages, 375 sub-districts, 214 districts and 33 provinces *. This is also a smart way to * cut distribution costs * so that the price of sacrifices offered by Dompet Dhuafa can be more affordable. This year they offer sacrificial goats starting at 1.49 million rupiah.

Dompet Dhuafa prioritizes the distribution of sacrificial meat to poor areas, refugee holding areas due to disasters, nursing homes, orphanages, mosques, and pesantren in remote areas that have difficulty in obtaining sacrificial animals because generally the economy of the community is less able.

Can such programs be used to provide new jobs, including those affected by Corona? Can goats be used against Corona?

If the method is done like Dompet Dhuafa, I am sure the answer can. But it must be serious and requires a long stamina. The economic empowerment program cannot be hit & run. Not enough to provide capital. It’s not enough to just train. * We must provide assistance to farmers; be their mentor, and last but not least transmit optimism and work ethic. END

Inspirasi Melintas Zaman (IMZ Consulting) is a social enterprise organization that helps profit and non-profit organizations in the fields of leadership, human resource development and community empowerment based on spiritual values. If interested in joining the programs, please contact at 021-7418607/08852.1564.6958

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