Layanan digital yang meningkat tajam di masa pandemi mencerminkan perubahan perilaku masyarakat saat ini. Indihome mencatat pertumbuhan pengguna platform edukasi digital mencapai 3000%, dan pertambahan user zoom 3800%. (Dikutip dari
Pandemi Covid-19 membuat banyak aktivitas berpindah ke bentuk video conference. Kegiatan belajar siswa sekolah, perkuliahan, seminar dan pelatihan, hingga rapat kerja telah beralih menggunakan video conference. Bahkan ustadz dan pendeta pun memanfaatkannya untuk memberikan ceramah.
Agar video conference bisa dilakukan secara profesional dan hasilnya berkuaitas, pengelolanya perlu menguasai manajemen video conference yang profesional. Bukan hanya dari sisi teknis, tetapi juga mengemas kegiatan video confierence menjadi menarik dan tidak membosankan.
Bersama praktisi penyedia jasa live streaming dan video conference Joko Intarto, kita akan belajar menjadi operator webinar yang profesional agar siap menghadapi perkembangan dunia digital di masa depan.
Joko Intarto merupakan founder dari Jagaters Studio, penyedia jasa sewa peralatan video converence/webinar mulai standar personal, profesional hingga industrial.
Topik yang akan dibahas:
A. Konsep Meeting & Webinar
B. Perangkat Video Conference
C. Teknik Meeting & Webinar
D. Prospek Profesi Operator Video Conference
Bersama Narasumber
Joko Intarto
Pakar Webinar dan Komunikasi
Host : Prasetyo Wibowo
Manager Training & Business Development IMZ
Jumat, 19 Juni 2020
09.00-12.00 WIB
Perseorangan: Rp.150.000,-
Grup (3 orang): Rp.300.000,-
Info & Registrasi
Intan IMZ 085215646958
Riyan IMZ 085770779746
Facebook: Info IMZ
Instagram: Info IMZ
Twitter: @infoIMZ
Digital services that increased sharply during the pandemic reflect changes in people’s behavior today. Indihome recorded the growth of digital education platform users reaching 3000%, and an increase in user zoom 3800%. (Quoted from
Covid-19 pandemic made many activities move to video conferencing. School student learning activities, lectures, seminars and training, to work meetings have been switched to using video conferencing. Even the cleric and priest used it to give lectures.
So that video conferencing can be done professionally and the results are quality, the management needs to master professional video conferencing management. Not only from the technical side, but also packaging video confierence activities to be interesting and not boring.
With Joko Intarto, a live streaming and video conference service provider, we will learn to become professional webinar operators to be ready to face the development of the digital world in the future.
Joko Intarto is the founder of Jagaters Studio, a provider of video convergence / webinar equipment rental services ranging from personal, professional to industrial standards.
Topics to be discussed:
A. Concepts of Meeting & Webinar
B. Video Conference Devices
C. Meeting & Webinar Techniques
D. Professional Prospects of Video Conference Operators
With the resource person
Joko Intarto
Webinar and Communication Expert
Host: Prasetyo Wibowo
IMZ Training & Business Development Manager
Friday, June 19, 2020
09.00-12.00 WIB
Individual: IDR 150,000
Group (3 people): Rp.300,000
Info & Registration
Intan IMZ 085215646958
Riyan IMZ 085770779746
Facebook: IMZ info
Instagram: IMZ info
Twitter: @infoIMZ