The capacity building of PAUD HI and social enterpreneurship organized by PTTEP, IMZ and Karampuang Foundation was held for three days consists of general method class and one peer teaching method class, started from 5 until 7 March 2017 with around 48 participants from 18 schools of Mamuju, Majene and Polewali Mandar, 2 local foundation and cooperative division from Mamuju Regency in Hotel Maleo Mamuju. “Previously we knew the name of SIOLA, in which integrating many services. It is the unique of Mamuju’s culture, besides public health services, its management should develop their own financial management. In the beginning, the social fund has been initiated to overcome the malnutrition. After our evaluation, we need a better management. Each PAUD need a local product that has a market value. So it can live or make it sustainable of their own operational. With this training, all participants are also facilitated great mentor experts.” Mrs. Ijah from Karampuang Foundation said. From PTTEP, Ms. Gayatri Syafrie added “This time is the fourth year of our training. Last year we focused only for teacher. Now, teacher will focus to how to educate the children. And, for the management and economic local community, let’s go focus to develop local product and enterpreneurship. So, some part of PAUD operations can be covered from its business income. The new material is about Basic Life Support for the Children, what should teacher do, how if the children fall, wounded, etc. This year I bring special doctors. Every teacher will practice, how if the children are breathless. How to do CPR on the children, how to bandage the wound, etc. We should not panic and fear. In entrepreneurship class, we also will learn how to make an ice cream, principle of healthy snacks for the children, good food packaging for SMEs, etc.” “At this information era, especially playground and early childhood education are different from elementary school and junior high school. As an informal education, early childhood is very influential on improving children’s intelligence, especially in the golden age and early brain development. Reading composing writing. Activity, exploration and play with fun. As the local government, there is hope that encourage so that the teaching pattern becomes interesting and fun. This momentum also at the same time become sharing to know the policy related to early childhood, so that can help each other to realize government programs about early childhood education.”, the openning from the representative of Mamuju District, Drs. H. Tonga Assistance Sector III HR Administration.
Figure 3 The Opening from Representative of Mamuju District, Drs. H. Tonga Assistance Sector III HR Administration
Figure 4 Collaboration between PTTEP, IMZ, Karampuang Foundation and Mamuju Government support for West Sulawesi PAUD HI and Social Enterpreneurship Capacity Building
The capacity building of PAUD HI and social enterpreneurship organized by PTTEP, IMZ and Karampuang Foundation was held for three days consists of general method class and one peer teaching method class, started from 5 until 7 March 2017 with around 48 participants from 18 schools of Mamuju, Majene and Polewali Mandar, 2 local foundation and cooperative division from Mamuju Regency in Hotel Maleo Mamuju.
“Previously we knew the name of SIOLA, in which integrating many services. It is the unique of Mamuju’s culture, besides public health services, its management should develop their own financial management. In the beginning, the social fund has been initiated to overcome the malnutrition. After our evaluation, we need a better management. Each PAUD need a local product that has a market value. So it can live or make it sustainable of their own operational. With this training, all participants are also facilitated great mentor experts.” Mrs. Ijah from Karampuang Foundation said.
From PTTEP, Ms. Gayatri Syafrie added “This time is the fourth year of our training. Last year we focused only for teacher. Now, teacher will focus to how to educate the children. And, for the management and economic local community, let’s go focus to develop local product and enterpreneurship. So, some part of PAUD operations can be covered from its business income. The new material is about Basic Life Support for the Children, what should teacher do, how if the children fall, wounded, etc. This year I bring special doctors. Every teacher will practice, how if the children are breathless. How to do CPR on the children, how to bandage the wound, etc. We should not panic and fear. In entrepreneurship class, we also will learn how to make an ice cream, principle of healthy snacks for the children, good food packaging for SMEs, etc.”
“At this information era, especially playground and early childhood education are different from elementary school and junior high school. As an informal education, early childhood is very influential on improving children’s intelligence, especially in the golden age and early brain development. Reading composing writing. Activity, exploration and play with fun. As the local government, there is hope that encourage so that the teaching pattern becomes interesting and fun. This momentum also at the same time become sharing to know the policy related to early childhood, so that can help each other to realize government programs about early childhood education.”, the openning from the representative of Mamuju District, Drs. H. Tonga Assistance Sector III HR Administration.
Figure 3 The Opening from Representative of Mamuju District, Drs. H. Tonga Assistance Sector III HR Administration
Figure 4 Collaboration between PTTEP, IMZ, Karampuang Foundation and Mamuju Government support for West Sulawesi PAUD HI and Social Enterpreneurship Capacity Building
The capacity building of PAUD HI and social enterpreneurship organized by PTTEP, IMZ and Karampuang Foundation was held for three days consists of general method class and one peer teaching method class, started from 5 until 7 March 2017 with around 48 participants from 18 schools of Mamuju, Majene and Polewali Mandar, 2 local foundation and cooperative division from Mamuju Regency in Hotel Maleo Mamuju.
“Previously we knew the name of SIOLA, in which integrating many services. It is the unique of Mamuju’s culture, besides public health services, its management should develop their own financial management. In the beginning, the social fund has been initiated to overcome the malnutrition. After our evaluation, we need a better management. Each PAUD need a local product that has a market value. So it can live or make it sustainable of their own operational. With this training, all participants are also facilitated great mentor experts.” Mrs. Ijah from Karampuang Foundation said.
From PTTEP, Ms. Gayatri Syafrie added “This time is the fourth year of our training. Last year we focused only for teacher. Now, teacher will focus to how to educate the children. And, for the management and economic local community, let’s go focus to develop local product and enterpreneurship. So, some part of PAUD operations can be covered from its business income. The new material is about Basic Life Support for the Children, what should teacher do, how if the children fall, wounded, etc. This year I bring special doctors. Every teacher will practice, how if the children are breathless. How to do CPR on the children, how to bandage the wound, etc. We should not panic and fear. In entrepreneurship class, we also will learn how to make an ice cream, principle of healthy snacks for the children, good food packaging for SMEs, etc.”
“At this information era, especially playground and early childhood education are different from elementary school and junior high school. As an informal education, early childhood is very influential on improving children’s intelligence, especially in the golden age and early brain development. Reading composing writing. Activity, exploration and play with fun. As the local government, there is hope that encourage so that the teaching pattern becomes interesting and fun. This momentum also at the same time become sharing to know the policy related to early childhood, so that can help each other to realize government programs about early childhood education.”, the openning from the representative of Mamuju District, Drs. H. Tonga Assistance Sector III HR Administration.
Figure 3 The Opening from Representative of Mamuju District, Drs. H. Tonga Assistance Sector III HR Administration
Figure 4 Collaboration between PTTEP, IMZ, Karampuang Foundation and Mamuju Government support for West Sulawesi PAUD HI and Social Enterpreneurship Capacity Building