Sebanyak 62 Guru dan Kepala Sekolah PAUD HI yang berasal dari Mamuju, Majene dan Polewali Mandar selama tiga hari mendapatkan program peningkatan kapasitas di Hotel Grand Maleo, Mamuju. Program yang telah berlangsung selama enam tahun berturut-turut ini terlaksana dengan dukungan penuh dari PTTEP Indonesia bekerjasama dengan Yayasan Karampuang dan IMZ Dompet Dhuafa Corporate University.
“Sejak tahun 2015, kita secara rutin bersama Yayasan Karampuang dan IMZ menyelenggarakan training untuk ibu-ibu dan bapak Guru PAUD HI. Tahun ini kita ingin agar ada penguatan tentang bagaimana menghadapi anak-anak di era gagdet. Yang kedua, kita ingin ada sesi teamwork agar tim PAUD HI semakin kompak dan solid dalam membina sekolah masing-masing”, pemaparan Gayatri Syafrie, Public Affairs PTTEP Indonesia.
“Setiap pendidik ingin anak didiknya sukses saat dewasa. 10 faktor yang mempengaruhi kesuksesan seseorang berdasarkan riset Thomas J. Stanley, PhD, diantaranya: (1) Jujur; (2) Disiplin; (3) Good interpersonal skill; (4) Dukungan dari pasangan hidup; (5) Bekerja lebih keras dari orang lain; (6) Mencintai apa yang dikerjakan; (7) Good and strong leadership; (8) Semangat & berkepribadian kompetitif; (9) Good life management; (10) Ability to sell idea and product.
Pendidikan kita kepada anak, ajarkan 10 hal ini. Karena inilah 10 prioritas utama dalam mendidik anak. Kecerdasan, latar belakang sekolah favorit maupun nilai terbaik bukan prioritas utama”, penjelasan Fatchuri Rosidin, trainer dan motivator sekaligus Direktur IMZ DD Corporate University.
Training Guru PAUD HI Sulawesi Barat tahun 2020 ini juga akan membekali seluruh peserta dengan aktivitas outbond dan penilaian perubahan untuk masing-masing perwakilan PAUD. Hal ini bertujuan untuk memantau perkembangan dampak pelatihan agar efektif dan optimal.
Prasetyo Wibowo
Manager Training & Business Development
IMZ Dompet Dhuafa Corporate University
62 Teachers and Principals of HI PAUD from Mamuju, Majene and Polewali Mandar received a capacity building program for three days at the Grand Maleo Hotel, Mamuju. The program, which has been going on for six years in a row, was implemented with the full support of PTTEP Indonesia in collaboration with the Karampuang Foundation and IMZ Dompet Dhuafa Corporate University.
“Since 2015, we routinely with the Karampuang Foundation and IMZ organize training for mothers and fathers of HI PAUD Teachers. This year we want to have a strengthening of how to deal with children in the gagdet era. Secondly, we want to have a teamwork session so that the HI ECD team will be more compact and solid in fostering their respective schools “, explained Gayatri Syafrie, Public Affairs of PTTEP Indonesia.
“Every educator wants his students to be successful as adults. 10 factors that influence someone’s success based on Thomas J. Stanley, PhD, including: (1) Honest; (2) Discipline; (3) Good interpersonal skills; (4) Support from a spouse; (5) Work harder than others; (6) Loving what is done; (7) Good and strong leadership; (8) Spirit & competitive personality; (9) Good life management; (10) Ability to sell ideas and products.
Our education to children, teach these 10 things. Because these are the 10 main priorities in educating children. Intelligence, favorite school background and the best grades are not the top priority, “explained Fatchuri Rosidin, trainer and motivator as well as IMZ DD Corporate University Director.
West Sulawesi HI PAUD Teacher Training in 2020 will also equip all participants with outbound activities and change assessment for each PAUD representative. This aims to monitor the development of the impact of the training to be effective and optimal.
Prasetyo Wibowo
Training & Business Development Manager
IMZ Dompet Dhuafa Corporate University