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For the past few years, South East Asia muslim community has become the biggest potential synergy in Islamic voluntary sector, after the Middle East region. Islamic Philanthropy network and social finance between countries are expected to provide solution for socio-economic and sustainable development challenges in South East Asia, especially poverty alleviation. Continuing with synergy spirit from further forums such as MABIMS, Dewan Zakat Asia Tenggara and Waqf community of Asia and New Zealand, this event will brought together governments, industries, academic scholars, regional experts, professionals and corporate managers to discuss opportunities for voluntary partnerships in the Muslim world The implementation of Islamic Philanthropy or Islamic Voluntary sector in every country in the world has its own characteristics and uniqueness. This is related to the fact that Islamic Philanthropy has strong connections to the culture and the system from which it is derived. Therefore, presentation and discourse are necessary to enrich the Islamic Philanthropy’s idea and point of view. IMZ Dompet Dhuafa, Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University Bandung, along with Center for Islamic Philanthropy and Social Finance (CIPSF) Malaysia will held an International Seminar to deeply-review the progress of zakat and waqf governance in South East Asia. The focuses of the 4th SEA IIPC 2016 are as follow: “Strengthening Zakat and Waqf Governance” Sub Theme : 1. Strenghtening Zakat Governance

  • Zakat Collection
  • Zakat Distribution
  • Zakat Organization
  • Zakat Legal
  • Amil Development
  • Asnaf Development
  • International Zakat
  • Zakat Best Practices Program
  • Role of State and NGO
  • Zakat Core Principles
  • International Standard of Zakat Management
2. Strengthening Waqf Governance
  • Waqf Collection
  • Waqf Investment and Beneficiaries
  • Waqf Legal
  • Nazhir Development
  • Beneficiaries Development
  • International Waqf
  • Waqf Best Practices Program
  • Role of State and NGO
  • Waqf Core Principles
Outsanding papers will be promoted and published in International Journal of Nusantara Islam of Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University GOALS • Identifying level of governance in zakat and waqf in South East Asia • Forming of South East Asia Islamic Philanthropy Association (SIPA) • Sharing best practice program of zakat and waqf in South East Asia • Networking of zakat and waqf organization and goverment in South East Asia CALL OF PAPER FORMAT • Topics discussed in accordance with the focus of this seminar. • Paper is written in English, Malay, or Indonesian. • Maximum 10 pages with font 12, Times New Roman, double spacing, A4 Paper, 4 cm left margin and right margin, top and bottom 3 cm. • Articles should consist abstract, background issues, the focus of the study, analysis and discussion, conclusions and suggestions. • Latest brief CV IMPORTANT DEADLINE • Conference Date : 25-27 February 2016 • Abstract / Full paper submission : 18 February 2016 Email : IslamicPhilanthropy.2016@gmail.com  Term of Reference and Information Package here Registration Form for Attendance here   INFORMATION Prasetyo Whatsapp +62819 3153 2099 Call +62822 1677 2839 prasetyo.indraprasta@gmail.com Ani +62852 1564 6958 Riyan +62857 7077 9746 IMZ Building +6221 7418607 Facebook Page Info IMZ Twitter @infoIMZFor the past few years, South East Asia muslim community has become the biggest potential synergy in Islamic voluntary sector, after the Middle East region. Islamic Philanthropy network and social finance between countries are expected to provide solution for socio-economic and sustainable development challenges in South East Asia, especially poverty alleviation. Continuing with synergy spirit from further forums such as MABIMS, Dewan Zakat Asia Tenggara and Waqf community of Asia and New Zealand, this event will brought together governments, industries, academic scholars, regional experts, professionals and corporate managers to discuss opportunities for voluntary partnerships in the Muslim world The implementation of Islamic Philanthropy or Islamic Voluntary sector in every country in the world has its own characteristics and uniqueness. This is related to the fact that Islamic Philanthropy has strong connections to the culture and the system from which it is derived. Therefore, presentation and discourse are necessary to enrich the Islamic Philanthropy’s idea and point of view. IMZ Dompet Dhuafa, Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University Bandung, along with Center for Islamic Philanthropy and Social Finance (CIPSF) Malaysia will held an International Seminar to deeply-review the progress of zakat and waqf governance in South East Asia. The focuses of the 4th SEA IIPC 2016 are as follow: “Strengthening Zakat and Waqf Governance” Sub Theme : 1. Strenghtening Zakat Governance
  • Zakat Collection
  • Zakat Distribution
  • Zakat Organization
  • Zakat Legal
  • Amil Development
  • Asnaf Development
  • International Zakat
  • Zakat Best Practices Program
  • Role of State and NGO
  • Zakat Core Principles
  • International Standard of Zakat Management
2. Strengthening Waqf Governance
  • Waqf Collection
  • Waqf Investment and Beneficiaries
  • Waqf Legal
  • Nazhir Development
  • Beneficiaries Development
  • International Waqf
  • Waqf Best Practices Program
  • Role of State and NGO
  • Waqf Core Principles
Outsanding papers will be promoted and published in International Journal of Nusantara Islam of Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University GOALS • Identifying level of governance in zakat and waqf in South East Asia • Forming of South East Asia Islamic Philanthropy Association (SIPA) • Sharing best practice program of zakat and waqf in South East Asia • Networking of zakat and waqf organization and goverment in South East Asia CALL OF PAPER FORMAT • Topics discussed in accordance with the focus of this seminar. • Paper is written in English, Malay, or Indonesian. • Maximum 10 pages with font 12, Times New Roman, double spacing, A4 Paper, 4 cm left margin and right margin, top and bottom 3 cm. • Articles should consist abstract, background issues, the focus of the study, analysis and discussion, conclusions and suggestions. • Latest brief CV IMPORTANT DEADLINE • Conference Date : 25-27 February 2016 • Abstract / Full paper submission : 18 February 2016 Email : IslamicPhilanthropy.2016@gmail.com  Term of Reference and Information Package here Registration Form for Attendance here   INFORMATION Prasetyo Whatsapp +62819 3153 2099 Call +62822 1677 2839 prasetyo.indraprasta@gmail.com Ani +62852 1564 6958 Riyan +62857 7077 9746 IMZ Building +6221 7418607 Facebook Page Info IMZ Twitter @infoIMZMelihat perkembangan komunitas muslim di Asia Tenggara maka potensi sinergi ZISWAF yang terdapat di regional ini boleh jadi merupakan potensi terbesar setelah kawasan Timur Tengah. Dari kerjasama lintas sektor filantropi diharapkan tentu dapat memberikan solusi atas berbagai tantangan sosio ekonomi dan pembangunan berkelanjutan yang dihadapi masyarakat Asia Tenggara, terutama pengentasan kemiskinan. Forum ini juga sebagai wadah untuk kembali menggelorakan semangat yang pernah dicetuskan dalam Forum MABIMS dan Dewan Zakat Asia Tenggara serta mengiringi perkembangan komunitas wakaf Asia serta New Zealand. Penerapan model filantropi Islam di berbagai negara memiliki kekhasan masing-masing. Hal ini tak lepas dari kultur masyarakat maupun sistem pemerintahannya. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan pemaparan dan diskusi untuk memperkaya pandangan dalam penghimpunan hingga pengelolaan dana ummat ini. IMZ Dompet Dhuafa dan UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung bekerjasama dengan Center for Islamic Philanthropy and Social Finance (CIPSF) UiTM Malaysia akan menyelenggarakan konferensi Internasional yang membahas tentang perkembangan tata kelola zakat dan wakaf khususnya di regional Asia Tenggara. Tema utama konferensi saat ini adalah “Memperkuat Tata Kelola Zakat dan Wakaf”, dengan sub tema : 1. Strenghtening Zakat Governance
  • Penghimpunan Zakat
  • Pendistribusian dan Pemberdayaan Zakat
  • Organisasi dan Manajemen Zakat
  • Legalitas Zakat
  • Pengembangan Amil atau SDM
  • Asnaf Development
  • Zakat Internasional
  • Zakat Best Practices Program
  • Peran Negara dan Swasta (NGO)
  • Zakat Core Principles
  • International Standard of Zakat Management
2. Strengthening Waqf Governance
  • Penghimpunan Wakaf
  • Investasi dan Kebermanfaatan Wakaf
  • Legalitas Wakaf
  • Pengembangan Nazhir atau SDM
  • Beneficiaries Development
  • Wakaf Internasional
  • Waqf Best Practices Program
  • Peran Negara dan Swasta (NGO)
  • Waqf Core Principles
Paper yang terpilih akan dipromosikan dan dipublikasikan dalam Jurnal Internasional UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung Tujuan
  • Mengidentifikasi tingkat tata kelola perzakatan dan perwakafan khususnya di Asia Tenggara
  • Menggagas South East Asia Islamic Philanthropy Association (SIPA)
  • Sharing best practice program zakat dan wakaf di Asia Tenggara
  • Meningkatkan kerjasama lintas negara dan lintas organisasi di Asia Tenggara
  • Topik pembahasan sesuai dengan fokus pembahasan Konferensi ini
  • Paper ditulis dalam bahasa Inggeris, Melayu, atau Indonesia.
  • Maksimal 10 halaman dengan font 12, Times New Roman, spacing double, Kertas A4, Margin kiri 4 cm dan margin kanan, atas dan bawah 3 cm.
  • Artikel terdiri daripada abstrak, latar belakang masalah, fokus kajian, analisis dan pembahasan, kesimpulan dan saran
  • CV ringkas yang terbaru
  • Conference Date : 25-27 February 2016
  • Abstract / Full paper submission : 18 February 2016
Email : IslamicPhilanthropy.2016@gmail.com  Term of Reference and Information Package here Registration Form for Attendance here   INFORMASI Prasetyo Whatsapp +62819 3153 2099 Call +62822 1677 2839 prasetyo.indraprasta@gmail.com Ani +62852 1564 6958 Riyan +62857 7077 9746 IMZ Building +6221 7418607 Facebook Page Info IMZ Twitter @infoIMZ]]>

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